ISG Utilities Extend iMIS

ISG has developed a set of utilities that provide additional capabilities for your iMIS system and allow you to provide better service to your members.
Dynamic Security Group Refresh
Do you want members to be able to instantly access materials and take advantage of members-only pricing as soon as they join?
Out of the box, iMIS currently updates security groups once a day. That means new members have to wait a full day to access member benefits. If you want them to have faster access to member benefits and pricing, you can use this utility to schedule more frequent security group updates – and even to provide immediate access upon purchase.
Do you need to update member lists for vendors? ISG’s FTP integration utility runs an iMIS IQA, converts the data into a delimited format, and FTPs the file to a vendor FTP site. As an example, you are able to ensure that Quorom’s legislative tracking software always has the latest member data so you don’t miss any opportunities to move the needle on issues that matter to your members.
You can also use the FTP utility for other types of files. If you use BrightKey for order fulfillment, you can use the utility to retrieve orders from iMIS and FTP them to BrightKey. It also writes an activity to iMIS for each product so you have a duplicate transmission of the order.
Instant Access
Use demographic data from your membership application to immediately provide new members with access to the appropriate type of benefits.
Currently, when a member joins online, iMIS categorizes them as a “Web” member. You need to manually recategorize them to the appropriate membership type (company, student, nonprofit, etc.).
With this ISG utility, new members are automatically categorized based on the demographic information in their membership application. They can get instant access to the benefits they qualify for based on their company or membership level. Your staff no longer has to get involved.
Enhanced SSO for iMIS
Are you using a favorite tool or brand new product for which there isn’t an existing bridge to iMIS – and where the vendor doesn’t know the ASI Rest APIs well enough to use them? ISG’s Enhanced SSO tool comes to the rescue.
With this tool, information can be passed between iMIS and the other product without any programming or anyone learning how to use the APIs. If the product changes the information it needs in the future, that can easily be modified in this utility, so you can commit to using the product for the long term.
Tools Built for Your Needs
Looking for tools that integrate iMIS EMS with third-party products? Read about the ISG EMS Toolbox.
You can rely on ISG for tools that effectively extend and expand your organization’s capabilities and drive your association’s digital transformation so you can do more, do it faster and more efficiently, and do it in ways that are seamless, easier for staff, and better for your members.
Let ISG take care of your business so you can focus on the business at hand.
Learn more – Contact to talk about which of ISG’s tools best meet the needs of your association.