Top 9 Reasons You Want to Upgrade iMIS to iMIS 20

iMIS20Wondering if you should upgrade to iMIS 20? Here are the top nine reasons.

1. One design for all devices and screens

Your association won’t have to create separate websites for mobile devices and tablets. iMIS 20 RiSE websites use responsive design. They automatically serve up the best experience for whatever device your web visitor is using.

If the user is on a mobile device, the website displays a design that looks great on a small screen, with simplified navigation. The same concept applies to desktops, laptops, tablets, and more.

2. Display automated alerts

You can set up your website to automatically display alerts to website visitors.

Here are some available alerts:

  • Join now.
  • Membership expired or expires soon.
  • Event reminder.
  • Missing primary email.
  • Identifies contact as VIP.

You can customize the look and wording of the alerts, control where the alerts appear, and identify who receives each alert.

3. Different pricing for different types of users

Older versions of iMIS had only one type of user and one price. This wasn’t cost-effective for employees who were casual users. The current iMIS has different prices based on the user level. The cost of casual user accounts are about a third of the price of a full user account.

4. Manage association’s certification programs

iMIS Certification simplifies managing your association’s certification program. It can give credits to enrollees for activities or achievements based on your association’s requirements. This self-service feature allows members to check on their certification status and gives them a reason to visit your website. Using certification requires a license key.

5. Faster and more efficient APIs

The enhanced API speeds up processes so synchronization happens faster and more efficiently, making it easier for ISGweb and third-party applications to stay in sync.

6. Engage with members in their preferred language

Members tend to spend more time on a website when it’s in their preferred language. iMIS translation comes with dictionaries for multiple languages to translate the website into the user’s preferred language. All users have to do is select their preferred language and your association’s website is updated to that language. This feature requires a license key.

7. Measure your members’ engagement with your association

Get the data you need to tell you whether you’re engaging with your members enough. The iMIS engagement management system displays the level of engagement for any contact with the Engagement Metrics dashboard on the Staff Account page. For example, it can create a bar chart showing members’ event registrations, ecommerce purchases, gifts, and committee participation.

8. Schedule tasks to save time

Scheduled tasks allow you to automatically send emails based on dates or actions. A new member can automatically receive a welcome email, for example. You can also use scheduled tasks to send current reports on a set schedule. One way to do this is to create a task that sends an event registration report to the event managers once a day or once a week.

9. Cleaner contacts database with eliminated duplicates

Contact merge can merge data from two separate, duplicate contact records. It creates a single contact record with personal, financial, and historical information from both records. No information will appear twice in the new, single record.

Learn more about iMIS

What’s next?

Contact us at 301-519-3776 or to discuss your iMIS needs and how we can help turn your association’s vision into reality.